
Skin Prophecy is the creation of two sisters who struggled nearly a lifetime with adolescent and adult acne. We were challenged personally and professionally, much like the public, searching to find and/or develop products that would provide correction, create visible changes and eliminate the search. After nearly a lifetime, and my 28 years as a Clinical Aesthetician, we eliminated the search and achieved our objective. With a loyal clientele, our staff’s allegiance and support, we proudly present Skin Prophecy!
Skin Prophecy is a clinical skin care line, formulated to aggressively treat all grades of acne, scarring, sun damaged and dehydrated skin, in addition to pre/post operative care. This high performance, anti-aging line has proven itself in our clinic and as well as with our professional associates in their practices in the medical arts. Skin Prophecy’s compounds are the highest pharmaceutical/cosmeceutical grades available in the industry and are developed to work at the cellular level. Its molecular structure allows greater penetration that results in corrective and preventative treatment. Our products are non-comeodgenic, highly concentrated and address the most difficult challenges. Our formulations offer the minimal amount of preservatives to keep and assure product integrity. Product batches are handmade; botanicals come from the rainforest and all parts of the world.
At Skin Prophecy Clinic, clients experience significant results. Our line offers a selection of products that support the needs of young adults, as well as the concerns of mature skin. The line, when combined with an essential home care program and /or advanced by professional treatments, will deliver optimal results.
We invite you to allow Skin Prophecy to demonstrate its ability, either when used in your home-care program, or administered by a professional.
Let Us Begin The Skin Prophecy Journey Together.
MaryAnn Serpa and Dee Dee Serpa-Wickman
Client Testimonials
I just want to let you know, I LOVE YOUR PRODUCTS. I've tried many products in the past. (Obaji, Dr. Perricone, etc.) and let me tell you, I am so happy I came across Skin Prophecy Skin Care. I truly can see results. Thank You.
—Tiffiney H.
AMAZING! Thank you so much for the extra time you spent with advising me on my skin care. It made a HUGE difference! I put the Serpa Serum on, and although my skin is a little dry it cleared up right away! After one year of my skin not healing! Amazing! Thanks so much!
—Jennifer P
I took up an intense daily hot yoga practice, and I already had Rosacea. After a year of this combination, my face just completely gave up, and I wound up with a terribly deep and painful bacterial infection across my entire face. I thought I might be detoxing ... LOL. Truth be told, the Medicated Wash knocked down my ferocious skin problem in under 2 weeks. I sure wasn't going to stop the yoga, so thank you Skin Prophecy!
—Johnny L
I have been using your Medicated Wash and Clean Gel for the past month. It is working great, and my face has cleared up significantly. I have had excellent results since I started using your Clean Gel and Medicated Wash. I am open to any recommendations. Thanks
—Liz E.
After twenty-five years as a make-up artist I'm delighted and relieved to have found Skin Prophecy's Champagne Firming Souffle to incorporate into my make-up routine. Celebrities and top run way models love the healthy radiant glow and fresh feeling this firming souffle provides. This is a rare find and truly a 'jewel' within our industry. We never leave home without it.
—Fredericke Grillits - Creator Of Iq Beauty Of Course
- Dee Dee Serpa-Wickman
- Clinical Aesthetician, Proprietor
- Jennifer Herrera
- Makeup Artist/Clinic Coordinator
- Maria Solis
- Makeup Artist/Clinic Coordinator
- Liliana Raya
- Aesthetician
- Mary Ann Serpa
- Marketing